Dear teachers and schoolmates,
May I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make.
Do you interested in Space?In order to help us learn more about China Spaceflight, Professor Li Bo from Peking University will give us a report.He will talk about the developing of Chinas Spaceflight.We can know how the Spaceflight surface and the history from him.And we can learn abolut ShenZhou spaceshipe and our hero astronaut.Its a very pretty opportunity for us to learn,so ,Dont miss this chance.
The report will be held on Thursday, the fifth of January 。 it will begin at 2:30 pm in.
A: Dear teachers and students, good afternoon. Welcome to listen to our English broadcast--- Happy English World!
B: 亲爱的老师们,同学们:大家下午好!欢迎收听快乐英语广播!
A: Hello, boys and girls. I?m_______from Class 1Grade 5.大家好,我是五一班的________.
B:My name is________from Class 1Grade 5我是五一班的________.
A:下面我们进入第一个版块“English stations”,英语加油站。
B: Let?s learn some English proverbs together. 让我们一起学习几个英语谚语吧!
A: A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。Let?s say together, 大家一起说A good book is a good friend B:Every minute counts.分秒必争。Every minute counts.
A:No pains, no gains.不劳无获。
No pains, no gains. 希望这些小谚语能激励大家努力学习英语。
A:接下来我们要进入下一个版块:?English Show’
B:We learn something about plant this week. 这周我们学习了很多关于植物的知识。Can you talk about that? A: Ok. Let?s welcome our classmates to show us their readings. 下面让我们欢迎我的同学们为大家展示课文对话。介绍植物各部分的.功能。
B:Thanks for your show. I hope that everyone will love English and can be good at English.
A: Let's go to the next part ?Song of the week ?EI Condor Pasa’
B: 让我们进入下一板块:每周一歌 “老鹰之歌”(音乐起3:14)
A: This song is a famous country music of Latin America这首歌是一首著名的拉丁美洲乡间音乐歌曲 B: In this song, there are 3 comparison of things, sparrow and snail, hammer and nail, the forest and the street.歌中选用了三对事物作比较:麻雀与蜗牛、铁锤与铁钉、森林与街道
A:People prefer the former, and this stands for freedom.人们选择了每一对的前者, 代表了人们对自由的渴望。
B:Hope you enjoy this wonderful song.希望大家喜欢这首动人的歌曲。
A: Time flies. So much for today. See you next time .
B: 亲爱的老师们,同学们:在这优美的音乐声中,今天的快乐英语广播就要和你说再见了,很高兴和大家一起度过这短暂而又愉快的10分钟,我们下周见。
AB: See you next time .Bye-bye !
任青:Good morning, everyone! My name is Ren Qing.
I’m from Class One Grade Six.
戴祝灵:Good morning, everyone! My name is Dai Zhuling.
I’m from Class Two Grade Six.
青、灵: Nice to meet you. Welcome to the English broadcast.
(欢迎大家收听校园英语广播 )
任青:let’s learn some English proverbs.
戴祝灵:咱们来学一些英语谚语吧 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧
Work before play. 先做事,再玩乐 Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好 No pain, no gain. 一份耕耘,一份收获
A dog is a man’s best friend. 狗是人类最好的朋友。
All work, no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见;眼见为实 Health is wealth. 健康就是财富。 Easier said than done. 说话容易做事难。
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真正的朋友。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一苹果,医生远离我。 Honesty pays. 诚实必有回报
爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.
同学们,你们会写英语作文吗?下面我给大家介绍的英语作文是《My Family》
任青:That’s all for the English broadcast. It’s time to say goodbye.
青、灵:See you next Wednesday.欢迎同学们收听下周三的.英语广播。Byebye.
A: bye!
Good morning:
Boys and girls! Welcome to our Happy English!
A: Hello, boys and girls. I’m … from Class … Grade ….
B:My name is … from Class… Grade … .
AB:. Nice to meet you .
A: 同学们,上期我和大家说说怎样学英语?相信同学们一定每天都坚持听读英语了吧!今天的“Say you Say me”,说你说我。和大家一起谈一谈欧美国家的一些礼仪习俗。
一、 Greetings 问候
我们中国人见面打招呼时习惯说:您吃过了吗?(Have you eaten? / Have you had your meal?)或者说:您上哪去?(Where are you going? )。而英美人见面时如果是上午则说:Good morning. 如果是在下午则说:Good afternoon, 在傍晚就说:Good evening. 如果与熟人打招呼则说:How are you? 如果是与较熟的人或朋友打招呼则说:Hello, 或Hi. 如果用我们中国人见面打招呼时常说的"Have you eaten?"去问候英美人,就会引起对方的误解,因为"Have you eaten?"在英语里不是打招呼用语,而是"邀请对方去吃饭"。如果见到英美人时说:"Where are you going?"他们会很不高兴。因为"Where are you going?"对英美人来说则是"即干涉别人的私事。" A:二、 Parting 告辞
到别人家串门或作客,告辞时,英美人习惯说:"I should go now." 或 " I'd better be going now."意思都是"我得走了"。英美人在告辞时从不说:"I'll go back."(我回去了。)或"I'll go first."(我先走了。)因为在英语里, "I'll go first."的意思是:"时间不早了,客人们该离开了。我先走给大家起了头,其他客人也应该马上离去。"
B:三、 Addressing People 称呼
平时,我们常听到学生称呼老师为"Teacher Wang"(王老师),"Teacher Li"(李老师),即便对外籍教师也是如此称呼。其实这是不符合英美人习惯的.。
在英语中,"teacher"不能用于称呼。那么怎么来称呼老师才符合英语习惯呢?一般来说,英美人称呼中小学的男老师为"Sir",或Mr,女教师为"Miss",如 Mr wang Miss zhang Miss Green
B: 节目的最后是我们的魅力音乐。今天将听到的歌曲是《 》,希望大家喜欢。
A: ok , so much for today , good-bye!
Sonorous rose may some people think that the athletic field is male student's world, but is actually enlivening many female students' forms in the athletic field.
They gallop equally with the male student the athletic field, strives for success the athletic field, also had the victory joy equally with the male student, had the enviable applause and the fresh flower;
Their valiant graceful bearing is noticeable, refracts on their body has like the women's football athlete's firm new year and the unyielding spirit, they are in full bloom in the athletic field sonorous rose, they are vital sonorous roses, is one is brimming with the youth vitality sonorous rose.
wishes each sonorous rose to be able to be in full bloom on the life path.
wishes each sonorous rose to be able to stand arrogantly in the athletic field which strives for success.
Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to listen to our English broadcast. 同学们,大家好!欢迎大家收听校园英语广播,
We are from Class One, Grade Five. Im ImNice to meet you .我们是你们的朋友,很高兴在这里和你度过快乐的10分钟。
(一)在今天的节目里首先进入我们的第一个版块Say you, say me.说你,说我。
A. Do you know body language? B. Of course!不就是肢体语言嘛。
A. Yes。那么你知不知道在一些说英语的国家人们常用一些手势来表达特定的意思呢?
B. 行了行了,你也别拐弯抹角了,快点把我们今天要说的主题告诉大家吧
A. 好吧,今天我们给大家带来的是在说英语的国家常用的十种手势。
B. One, cash:右手的大拇指.食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子,这是表示在饭馆要付帐的手势。
A. Two, use your brain: 用手指点点自己的`太阳穴,就表示要动动脑筋。
B. Three, fool: 用大拇指按住鼻尖摇动其余四指,或十个手指分开。也常常用食指对着太阳穴转动,同时吐出舌头,表示所谈到的人是个痴呆傻瓜。 A. Four, lying: 讲话时,无意识地将一食指放在鼻子下面或鼻子边时,表示别人一定会理解为讲话人讲的不是真话难以置信。 B. Five, agreement: 向上翘起拇指,则表示赞同。
A. Six, congratulation:双手在身前嘴部高度相搓的动作表示对别人的祝贺。
B. Seven, thats all:两臂在腰部交叉,然后再向下,向身体两侧伸出,这个动作表示没有希望了,完了。
A. Eight, shame:双臂伸直,向下交叉,两掌反握,同时脸转向一侧,这是一个表达害羞 的动作。
B. Nine, greeting:英语国家的人在路上打招呼,常常要拿帽子表示致意。现一般已简化为抬一下帽子,甚至只是摸一下帽沿。
A. Ten, pity:头摇来摇去,同里嘴里发出咂咂之声,嘴里还说thats too bad.或sorry to hear it. 这是英语国家的人表达怜悯和同情的方式 A.B:同学们,今天我们教给大家的十种手势是不是都会用了呢,那么就让我们行动起来吧。
(二)A.B:接下来又该进入我们的第二个版块了,在今天的Big big world 大大的世界栏目中,我们要教大家学习一个美国俚语,首先请同学们听下面这个小对话:
A: **, How come the door is open? B: I cant understand it. Oh,I smell a rat. Wed better call the police.
B:那刚刚同学们听到了一句I smell arat.smell是闻的意思,rat是老鼠。可为什么只是闻到了老鼠的味道却要callthe police报警呢?其实在这里Smell a rat是表示自己感觉有什么事情不正常、很奇怪、不对头的意思,就像闻到死老鼠的味道一样。所以当你发现有什么事情不正常、很奇怪时,你就可以说I smell a rat. 好了,请大家跟我读一遍I smell a rat.。同学们,你们都记住今天学的俚语了么?
(三)A.B:下面我们一起进入今天的最后一个板块charming music魅力音乐。
A:同学们听说过著名的美国电影《音乐之声》吗?我想一定有同学看过这部影片,那你们还记得影片中的几首优美动听的歌曲吗?今天将给大家介绍其中的一曲《Do Re Mi》,希望大家喜欢,会唱的同学一起唱吧! (播放歌曲) OK,
A:Hello,everyone,nice to see you again,welcome to our English broad cast.
B:My dear teachers and students,so nice to meet you in the broad cast.
A:Today we are talking about the Chinese traditional festival,The Dragon Boat Festival.
B:WangXin,do you know when is this festival?
A:Of course I know,it is on lunar May 5th,and this day,people have dragon boat races in many places and eat Zongzi. B:Haha,do you know who were member to?
A:We Chinese sant----Quyuan.He is a great man in the history.
B:How many day offs do we have in this holiday?
A:According to my head teacher,Mr.Wu,he said that we would leave school tomorrow noon,and we have 4 days in all.
B:That's wonderful,we can go anywhere that we want to go.
A:Where would like to spend your holiday?
B:Idon't want to go anywhere,because I have so many homework to do,I can only stay at home.
A:That's terrible, I want to go shopping with my mother ,I've no clothes to wear, especially the summer clothes, so I decide to buy some new summer clothes.
B:Oh,you are so fortunate.
A:So much for today,goodbye everyone.
B:Wish you have a wonderful time in this holiday.See you next time.
As also the hero, lost heroes also. You will always be the true heroes we have in mind, the first person who crossed the finish line of course is our idol, and the runway is still worked hard for the Olympic spirit, more worthy of our respect Chong, never give up, never admit defeat, the end of not really the end, sports is bound to break through the limits of humanity.
Perhaps your failure is a shame, a hope dashed. Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a twinkling of an eye, make you depressed, sad, but tried to see if you worked hard for the moment. With tears in his eyes we do not think so, you are courageous, you are strong, you use your determination to complete your task. Proud to see the success or failure in life, we should start all over again, to feel proud of you.
nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value. everbody should read it. it supplies us with a
variety of news ever day. it tells us the political situation of the world. ifwe form the habit of reading the
newspaper ,we will get enough knowledge to cope withour cricumstances.
Broadcast material
Together: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Here is today’s English broadcasting programme.
Student 1:Today is Friday, March the tenth. First of all, let’s enjoy a song by the westlife. It sound very beautil. Now let’s enjoy it.
( music)
Sutdent 2: Wow, so nice. Do you like it? Today we want to give some self introduction to you. Now let’s welcome Liang Hongjie from Class One, Grade 4.
Hello, my name is Zhou Hongyi. I’m 10 years old. I study in Huiyang Experimental Primary School.I live with my mom and dad in Huizhou. Have you ever been to Huizhou? It is a big and beautiful city in the south of Guangdong. The people there are very kind and friendly.
Huizhou is famous for the West Lake. Huizhou West Lake is very big. It is about 3.2 square kilometers.The sky here is blue. The water is clean.The trees are green all the year and the air is fresh. When summer comes, you can see the lake covered with lotuses. It’s so beautiful.
Huizhou is a good place for people to live in. Every year many people from other cities come to settle down there.We are happy to welcome them.
This is my hometown- Huizhou.I love my hometown. That’s all. Thank you.
My name is Cheng Xinyang. My English name is Tina, I am a student of Grade Four in Huiyang Experimental Primary School.At school, I love English classes, because I like English!
I like fruits. Especially mangoes. Fresh mangoes can be very delicious. I like to eat KFC. I like fish very much.
I like sports .My friends always say that I’m good at rope kipping
I live in Aotou-it is a beautiful town in Huizhou. I can watch the blue sea out of my window angtime and I can also easily see a lot of fish swimming in the sea ,no matter how far it’s from us.
My father is a policeman.He’s tall, and always filled with smile on his face. My mother is a manager, she cooks very well, and she often makes me happy.
This is something about me--a happy girl who lives in a beautiful place and a nice family . That’s all. Thank you.
My name is Huang Jianxun.I’m 10 years old. I study in Huiyang Experimental Primary School.I have a new big bedroom. It’s very nice and comfortable. When you enter my bedroom, you can see a big bed
first. Its quilt is blue. It’s my favourite. There is a bookshelf on the left side of the bed. You can see many books on it. Beside the shelf, there is a desk. It’s near the window. I often do my homework on the desk. There is a big wardrobe on the right side of the bed. When you open the wardrobe, you can see many beautiful clothes. My mom bought them for me. On the wall, there are some pictures.
This is my bedroom. Do you like my bedroom? Do you have a comfortable bedroom. That’s all. Thank you.
My name is Zhuang Jiamai..I’m 10 years old. I study in Huiyang Experimental Primary School.My mother is a doctor. She cares more for her patients than for her family.
One rainy day, I called her to take me home after school. Mother said she would get to school on time. But mother didn’t come until 7:00P.M. I had been waiting for her almost 3 hours. Father quarreled with her. However, the next morning, she went to work early as usual. From then on, I seldom talked to her.
One morning, Father told me that Mother was ill. “ It’s none of my business.” I said in a cold voice. Father said angrily,” Your mother works hard for the patients. She is so tired that she has fallen ill. But you don’t understand her…” Hearing this, I stood there for a long time. I realized that I should make an apology to Mother.
I went into her bedroom amd said regretfully,”I am sorry, Mom. You are a warmhearted woman with a strong sense of duty. You are the best woman in my heart. I love you, Mom.”
Hi,I am Helen. I’m 10 years old. I study in Huiyang Experimental Primary School. Let me tell you about my seven days,
The first day is Sunday. On Sunday, I often watch TV and do homework. Then, I will help my mother do the housework. I can sweep the floor, clean the bedroom and cook the meals. So, Six o’clock PM, I help my sister cook the meals.
The second day is a day between Sunday and Tuesday. In Britain, it is the first day of the week. Today, I also go to school. I have Chinese, English and Moral Education on Monday.
The third day is the day after Monday. I don’t like Tuesday. Because on Tuesday we only have Chinese, English and math. It’s uninteresting. Because we often read in this day. So, I don’t like Tuesday.
The forth day is the day before Thursday. It’s in the middle of the working days. I like to learn an write on Wednesdays. It’s a nice day. Then, I also enjoy my day today.
The fifth day is the day before Friday. It’s my favourite day. Do you know what classes do we have? Ha,ha. There is a P.E. class and a
writing class. I can run on the P.E. class. Well, in the writing class,I can write. So, you see. Thursday is my most favourite day.
The last two days are Friday and Satursday.On Friday, I am waiting for Satursday. On Satursday, I am waiting for Sunday. How happy I am.
How about your seven days? Can you tell me yours, please?
Hello, everyone. My name is Hung Yuting. I’m a girl. I’m 12 years old. I’m a student.
I have two small eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. I have long hair. I’m tall and fat. I’m a sunny and friendly girl. My classmates all like me. I have many toys. They are very pretty. I like them very much.
I like drawing pictures, reading books, playing chess… But I like drawing best, because I can see many things.
I have a happy family. There are five people in it. They are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and me. I love them very much.
My favourite food is fish, because it’s tasty. My favourite animal is rabbits. They are very cute. I don’t like grapes, because they’re sour.
At home, I can cook the meals, do the dishes, put away the clothes and clean my bedroom. At school, I can sweep the floor, clean the blackboard and wash the windows. Are you helpful? Can you tell me, please? This is
a:hello ,bos and girls .b: hello, teahers. a+b: ele to the english broadast!亲爱的老师们同学们:大家好!英语广播站又和您见面了。
a:你还记得我们上课都学了哪些食品的英语表述吗?b::当然记得,我们学了.hot dog(热狗)hamburger(汉堡)hiken(鸡肉)等等a::我来考考你。
我喜欢汉堡该怎么说?b: :这太简单了。
i like hamburgers.a: great!那我喜欢汉堡、热狗、鸡肉又该怎么说呢?b:i like hamburgers、hot dogs and hiken.a::super!你知道中国食品的英语表述吗?b:不太知道。
你知道饺子的英语该怎么说吗?a::我知道是dumplings,do ou like dumplings?b::yes,i like it.a::请同学们跟我念:dumplings dumplings是饺子。
i like dumplings. hat do ou like? a::恩,i like dumplings,米饭 and 粥。
a::哦rie rie 是米饭,那么粥呢?b::porridge,porridge 是粥。
请同学们跟我念:rie rie 是米饭;porridgeporridge 是粥;dumplings dumplings 是饺子。
i like dumplings porridge and rie。
b:: me too.a::今天我们学了三个新单词,我们再重复一遍,rie rie 是米饭;porridge porridge 是粥;dumplings dumplings 是饺子。
b::rie rie 是米饭;porridge porridge 是粥;dumplings dumplings 是饺子。
a:回去把这三个新单词教给爸爸、妈妈,然后问一问爸爸、妈妈喜欢吃什么? b:接下来请欣赏英语歌曲。
-- the muffin man (欣赏完优美的儿童英文歌曲。
)ab::亲爱的老师们,同学们:在优美的英语歌曲的旋律中,今天的英语广播就要和你说再见了,很高兴和你一起度过这短暂而又愉快的 10分钟,我们明天见。
see ou next time .be be
A:Hello, everyone, nice to see you again, welcome to our English broadcast. I’B: My dear teachers and students, so nice to meet you in the broadcast, I’m A:Today we are talking about the Chinese traditional festival, The Dragon Boat Festival. B: Wang Xin, do you know when is this festival?
A: Of course I know, it is on lunar May 5th, and this day, people have dragon boat races in many places and eat Zongzi . B: Haha, do you know who we remember to ? A: We Chinese sant---- Quyuan. He is a great man in the history. B: How many day offs do we have in this holiday?
A: According to my headteacher, Mr. Wu, he said that we would leave school tomorrow noon, and we have 4 days in all.
B: That’s wonderful, we can go anywhere that we want to go. A: Where would like to spend your holiday?
B: I don’t want to go anywhere, because I have so many homework to do, so I can only stay at home.
A: That’s terrible, I want to go shopping with my mother, I’ve no clothes to wear, especially the summer clothes, so I decide to buy some new summer clothes. B: Oh, you are so fortunate.
A: So much for today, goodbye everyone.
B: Wish you have a wonderful time in this holiday. See you next time.